domingo, outubro 03, 2010

Design of Design @ InfoQ

Do you have a short list, say six bullet point items, that would summarize the most important lessons your book offers to designers?
  1. Study your predecesssors' works intently, to see how they solved problems.
  2. Try to figure out why they made the design choices they did; this is the most illuminating question to ask yourself.
  3. Study your predecessors' styles closely. This is best done by trying to sketch something in their several styles.
  4. Keep a "sketch book" in which you put ideas, designs, and pieces of designs, whatever your medium.
  5. When starting a design, write down your assumptions about the users and the uses.
  6. Design, design, design!
What other areas of study would improve a graduate's ability to be a great software designer?
  1. Algorithms and data structures is the most essential study.
  2. Computer hardware architecture.
  3. Application areas, especially business data processing, database techniques and data mining.
  4. Psychology, especially perceptual psychology, since the user is all-important.
Can you identify 3 Master Designers (any field) and 3 Master Software Designers, and 4 or five Master Designs. Exemplars we should all be studying and a short idea of why they are what they are?
  • J.S. Bach, compositions
  • Rembrandt, paintings and drawings
  • Seymour Cray, supercomputers
  • Christopher Wren, buildings, especially his London churches.
  • Nicholas Wirth, programming languages
  • Donald Knuth, algorithms